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Residential Housing Complex
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The story of the Good Samaritan caused the Jews to be uncomfortable because a Samaritan was the star of the story (Luke 10:25-37). He acted like a good neighbor as he took the time and energy to restore a person who was in great need. The Samaritan did not look at the person who was robbed, beaten, and left for dead as a project, but as person for whom he had compassion.

Jesus used the parable of the Good Samaritan as an example of loving those who might not be like us, and when it is sometimes inconvenient to do so. When we accept this challenge by Jesus to be a “Good Neighbor” we are committing to love those God brings into our lives where we live—even if it is at times inconvenient or requires great sacrifice.

Some Ideas:

Prayer walk your neighborhood once a week.​

Journal what you observe.

Write down the names of all the family members of your eight closest neighbors.

Where do they work, where do they go to school?

Find out what needs and concerns your neighbors have and pray for them.

Look for opportunities to help your neighbors with a project.

Invite your neighbors to join you in serving others, including “Serve Salem.”

Invite all eight neighbors to your open house or cookout.

Invite each neighbor over for a dessert or a meal at least once a year.

If the Lord leads you, invite your neighbors to a discovery Bible Study.


Your High Five Card is a list of five people you don't want to be in Heaven without. This is a way for you to intentionally pray for and share the good news. Grab a card in the lobby or ask for one at the church office.



- Ask your friend how you can pray for them

- Tell your friend that you're praying for them



- Discover ways to serve your friend

- Write your friend an encouraging note

- Invite your friend to join you for dinner, lunch, or coffee

- Be an active listener



- Share how God is working in your life

- Communicate answers to your prayers

- Invite your friend to a special event

-Introduce your friend to others

High Five Card
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